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March 2025

Check out the photos from our recent Candlelight Soothe the Soul Slow Flow Yoga + Live Acoustic Guitar event.  Many thanks to Xavi and Ava for the beautiful music! We hope to do this again.
It is beginning to warm up and we are all ready for Spring this year after this cold winter. What seeds of intention have you saved and tended over the winter?  Spring planting time is right around the corner.  Your yoga mat is a great place to fertilize your seeds of intentions.  Remember our slogan,
“Fertilize your roots in the community of the Heart to grow and flourish.”
As the temperatures warm up, we will warm up inside during our upcoming Arm Balance workshop on Saturday, March 8. for a fun learning & refchallenge as we warm up with the temperatures and fine tune the alignment.
I have a Spring Yoga Retreat planned for May 16-18.  Ladies, please consider and be sure to check out the early-bird pricing available through March.
Let’s grow together – see you on the mat soon!