September 2024
I have enjoyed studying the passion flower vines in my garden this year. The volunteer vines are voracious climbers and spreaders with spiraling tendrils and three lobed leaves as you can see in the photo. They have come up all over and I have mostly let them take hold, as I love to see the beautiful unique purple flowers. And then the maypop fruits grow and look like limes.
The stages of the passion flower plant remind me of the three stages of the life cycle that we talk of in yoga. The three stages are creation, maintenance, and dissolution. Everything we do and all relationships we are in, fall under one of these three stages. Fall is a good time to consider your many activities and relationships and how you are spending your time. What do you want to begin, maintain or recommit to, or let go of this fall? Your yoga practice (both asana and meditation) can help you get clearer on your current path in life as you make a commitment to tending your relationship to yourself and the Spirit within. I hope to see you on the mat soon!