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New Student Specials

New Student Special

5 classes for $60
Good for any class on our regular weekly schedule
Classes must be used within five weeks.

Register here.

Basics- the Infinite Bliss Beginner Series

Give a gift to a loved one or yourself to feel better from the inside out!  The basics series is perfect for beginners or anyone desiring to review or learn about the Anusara Universal Principles of Alignment.  This series will teach you the nuts and bolts of basic postures and encourage you to see that yoga is not just about the shape of your body, it’s about the shape of your life.

Sundays 12:00-1:15 pm
Current Series: January 12 – March 2
Next Series: March 9 – April 27

Register here

Wednesdays 6:00-7:15 pm
Current Series: January 15 – March 5
Next Series: March 12 – April 30

Register here

The series is 8 weeks for $108 and is good for new students to the Basics Series. Once a Basics Series is completed, students will need to purchase a class card. Class cards can be used for any class at Infinite Bliss, including the Basics Series.

If this is your first experience to yoga…WELCOME! Please familiarize yourself with the information below, and reach out to us at [email protected].  We have parking in the lot directly behind our building (enter off of Eastern Parkway).

Guidelines for In-Person classes at Infinite Bliss Yoga:

  1. Please arrive 5 – 10 minutes before class start time as door will be locked.
  2. Mats, blocks and straps are available, but they must be sanitized after your use – cleaner and washcloths are available in the lobby area under the wall with the mirror.
  3. Regular students may leave yoga mat in a cubby – PLEASE make sure you label your mat with your initials (Sharpie marker is available at the front desk).

What to Wear

New students should wear comfortable, easy-to-move-in clothing. Some people prefer loose-fitting clothes and others prefer tighter, spandex-blend clothing. No shoes or socks are worn in class.


Please be on time – Arriving a few minutes early to class gives you the opportunity to meditate or stretch and prepare yourself for your class. Speak softly out of respect to all those in the center. If you must leave early, do so before savasana so as not to disturb your fellow students

Remove your shoes – upon entering Infinite Bliss Yoga as a way of respecting the ancient tradition of the East and to provide a clean environment in which to practice.

Inform your teacher about any injuries before class begins. – This is the only way for the teacher to know how to adjust you and give modifications.

Pay attention to the teacher’s instruction – Your teachers have trained extensively. They are not just leading you through a routine. They will give adjustments and assists based on what is going on in the class that day.

You should not come to class with a full stomach, but it is also recommended that you not come to class hungry – A full stomach will be uncomfortable, especially during twists. A growling stomach is distracting (to you), and many of the postures require you to be focused and strong. Also, try not to drink too much water during class so that you can maintain the internal heat of your body. Drink plenty of water after class.

Attend only the level of class recommended – To honor everyone’s path in yoga we ask that you only attend the intermediate/advanced class if you have an on-going, consistent practice or by permission of the teacher. Although we appreciate your desire to progress, it can be dangerous to yourself and your fellow students. Please respect your guests as well and invite to a class appropriate for their yoga experience level.

Cleanliness is divine – Respect your body temple and those around you. Not everyone believes in that “natural scent”. This includes your yoga mat. Wash them regularly with hot -but not soapy- water. A little Tea Tree Oil diluted is a perfect anti-bacterial solution for your mat. Also, refrain from wearing any perfume or fragrance to class.

Leave all cell phones outside of asana room – We understand that there are times in which you need to be available, in this case please speak to your teacher and they will gladly assist you. Respect for everyone at Infinite Bliss Yoga is our wish.