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Tammy Ray

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Tammy Ray – 200 HR Anusara-Inspired Teacher

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Tammy was born and raised in Louisville where she resides with her sweet and supportive husband Paul.  She met her husband at her place of employment – Dr. Richard Shay – where she has worked as an expanded duties dental assistant for 30 years.  She has two children and two grandchildren whom she adores.  Since 1984 she has been in the fitness industry teaching group exercise with an emphasis on high-impact aerobic and muscle conditioning.  In her journey to find something MORE in life, she found yoga.  She extends heart-felt gratitude to her first yoga teacher, Teresa Phelps Martin, who led her to the Infinite Bliss Yoga kula.  It is here that she completed her Anusara 200-hour training and will soon be licensed as an Anusara Elements teacher.  She plans to continue working towards her Anusara-Inspired and Yoga Alliance 200-HR licenses.  With deep respect and admiration, she graciously acknowledges her current teachers, Denise Stottmann and Laura Beasley, for their dedication, commitment, and compassion in her yoga training.  Yoga inspires Tammy to look deeply into her own heart and to believe in herself.  From this place, she aspires to help others align with their own hearts and step fully into their bliss.
